美國精神醫學出版社(American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.) 為全球首驅致力於精神醫學領域並提供全方位資訊服務的出版機構。
出版內容囊括精神醫學、心理衛生及行為科學等學術專題,將相關精神醫學文獻與美國精神醫學學會(American Psychiatric Association, APA) 出版刊物予以整合,再由醫學博士所組成的編輯顧問委員會考核評論之後,彙編成圖書、期刊與醫學教程等多樣化資訊,提供精神醫療人員、研究人員或學會會員等嚴謹且完善的專業資源。
1. 提供 APPI 所出版期刊和書籍的綜合搜尋介面,即時擷取精神病學領域最新進展。
2. 全文收錄精神病學領域中經同行審定的暢銷書。
·DSM-IV-TR® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis
·DSM-IV-TR® Casebook and its Treatment Companion
·American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines in both comprehensive and quick-reference formats
·The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Fourth Edition, with its companion study guide, Self-Assessment in Clinical Psychiatry
·What Your Patients Need to Know About Psychiatric Medications
·Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Sixth Edition
·Gabbard's Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, Fourth Edition
·The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment, Forth Edition, with its companion study guide, Self-Assessment in Substance Abuse Treatment
·Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments
·Helping Parents, Youth, and Teachers Understand Medications for Behavioral and Emotional Problems: A Resource Book of Medication Information Handouts
·The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, Fourth Edition, with its companion study guide, Self-Assessment in Geriatric Psychiatry
·The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology, Fourth Edition, with its companion study guide, Self-Assessment in Psychopharmacology § Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
PPI 精神醫學相關期刊
* The American Journal of Psychiatry
* Academic Psychiatry
* Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
* Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research
* Psychiatric Services
* PsychosomaticsFocus