September 20, 2011
A review of the “CHLOROQUINE AND RELATED DRUGS” ToxPoints Summary and “CHLOROQUINE AND RELATED DRUGS” POISINDEX Management has revealed an error in these products.
In the “Treatment Overview” section under the “Oral/Parenteral Exposure” subsection and within the paragraph “B) Management of Severe Toxicity”, there is an incorrect dosage displayed for epinephrine.
The incorrect dosage information is displayed as, “Doses of epinephrine may be started at 0.25 mg/kg/min, increasing by increments of 0.25 mg/kg/min until adequate blood pressure is obtained.”
The correct dosage information is, “Doses of epinephrine may be started at 0.25 mcg/kg/min, increasing by increments of 0.25 mcg/kg/min until adequate blood pressure is obtained.”
We have made the correction in both documents and these are available on the Micromedex 2.0 web product. This correction will be made in the Thomson Reuters Healthcare Series Intranet product CD in v151, scheduled to ship in November. IN THE MEANTIME, CLINICIANS SHOULD REFER TO THE EPINEPHRINE DOSING FOR CHLOROQUINE AND RELATED DRUGS ON THIS BULLETIN AND NOT WHAT IS CURRENTLY DISPLAYED IN THE POISINDEX and TOXPOINTS v150 PRODUCT.
Please ensure you immediately provide this critical information to your clinicians.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-877-843-6796.
Amy Hinton
Senior Product Manager
Thomson Reuters