2014年5月1日 星期四

Springer ebook,即日起開放試用,歡迎同仁多加利用。

Springer ebook,即日起開放試用,歡迎同仁多加利用。


Book Title
35th Hemophilia Symposium
A Dictionary of Neurological Signs
A Personal History of Nuclear Medicine
Abord Clinique EN Urologie
Academic Medicine: A Guide for Clinicians
Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation
Achieving Excellence in Medical Education
Active Infective Aortic Valve Endocarditis with Infection Extension
Acute Ischemic Stroke
Advanced Endourology
Advanced Imaging of the Abdomen
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
Advances in Diagnostic Imaging
Advances in Functional and Reparative Neurosurgery
Advances in Health care Technology Care Shaping the Future of Medical
Agricultural Medicine
AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas
Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency A.P.I.C.E.
Analyse céphalométrique fonctionnelle et esthétique de profil
Andrology for the Clinician
Anorectal Malformations in Children
Anterior Knee Pain and Patellar Instability
Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Disease
Applied Physiology in Intensive Care Medicine
Arterial Grafting for Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Assessing Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Health
Atlas of Breast Surgery
Atlas of Confocal Laser Scanning In-vivo Microscopy in Ophthalmology
Atlas of Genetic Diagnosis and Counseling
Atlas of Morphology and Functional Anatomy of the Brain
Atlas of Non-Invasive Coronary Angiography by Multidetector Computed Tomography
Atlas of Organ Transplantation
Bacterial Genomes and Infectious Diseases
Benign Anorectal Diseases
Bioceramics and Alternative Bearings in Joint Arthroplasty
Biology und Epidemiology of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Biomedical Informatics
Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision
Bone and Cartilage Engineering
Bone Densitometry for Technologists
Brain Edema XIII
Breast Cancer and Molecular Medicine
Bringing Pain Relief to Children
Bronchial Asthma
Cachexia and Wasting: A Modern Approach
Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism Management in Chronic Renal Disease
Cancer Drug Resistance
Cancer du sein
Cancer du testicule
Cancer et traitement
Cancer in the Spine
Cardiac Arrhythmias 2005
Cardiac CT Imaging
Cardiology in Family Practice
Cardiovascular Biomarkers
Cardiovascular Research
Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Chassin’s Operative Strategy in Colon and Rectal Surgery
Chassin’s Operative Strategy in Esophageal Surgery
Chirurgia Toracica Videoassistita
Chondral Disease of the Knee
Chronic Diseases and Health Care
Chronic Viral and Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy
Cigarette Smoke and Oxidative Stress
Classic Papers in Coronary Angioplasty
Classifications and Scores of the Shoulder
Cleft Lip and Palate
Clinical Atlas of Interstitial Lung Disease
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology in the Young
Clinical MR Imaging
Clinical Neuroembryology
Clinical Psychology and Heart Disease
Clinical Ultrasound in Benign Proctology
Color Atlas of Chemical Peels
Color Atlas of Histopathology of the Cervix Uteri
Colorectal Surgery
Common Eye Diseases and their Management
Communication in Cancer Care
Congenital and Perinatal Infections
Contact Dermatitis
Contrast Media
Controversies in Laparoscopic Surgery
Cornea and External Eye Disease
Criminal Profiling
Cutaneous Lymphomas Unusual Cases 2
Cytokines as Potential Therapeutic Targets for Inflammatory Skin Diseases
Cytologic Detection of Urothelial Lesions
Dermatology Skills for Primary Care
Diagnostic Criteria in Neurology
Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
Diffuse Lung Diseases
Diseases of The Abdomen and Pelvis
Disorders of the Respiratory Tract
Double-Balloon Endoscopy
Drugs in Ophthalmology
EAES Guidelines for Endoscopic Surgery
Early Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Ecocardiografia clinica
Ecografia dell’apparato osteoarticolare
Electrodiagnosis of Retinal Diseases
Emergency Neuroradiology
Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle
Endoscopic Oncology
Endourological Management of Urogenital Carcinoma
Enhancing the Role of Ultrasound with Contrast Agents
Erythropoietin and the Nervous System
Essential Cardiology
Essential Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Essentials of Anatomic Pathology
Essentials of Autopsy Practice
Évaluation des troubles neuropsychologiques en vie quotidienne
Evaluation Methods in Biomedical Informatics
Evidence-Based Endocrinology
Evidence-Based Imaging
Evoked Spinal Cord Potentials
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis
Football Traumatology
Forensic Anthropology and Medicine
Forensic Neuropathology and Associated Neurology
Forensic Pathology Reviews
Forensic Psychiatry
Foundations of Sport-Related Brain Injuries
Fracture Classifications in Clinical Practice
From Melanocytes to Melanoma
Functional MRI
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Genomic Disorders
Gynecologic Cancer
Handbook of Atopic Eczema
Handbook of Pediatric Eye and Systemic Disease
Handbook of Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology
Handbook of Pediatric Retinal Disease
Handbook of Pediatric Strabismus and Amblyopia
Handbook on Drowning
Head and Neck Cancer Imaging
Health Communication
Hematologic Malignancies: Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Hepatology Principles and Practice
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
High Field Brain MRI
Hip Sonography
Histopathology Reporting
History of the European Association for Haematopathology
Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
How Does MRI Work?
How to Examine the Nervous System
Hughes Syndrome
Il metodo clinico rivisitato
Il sistema di gestione per la Qualità in Pneumoiogia
Image-Guided IMRT
Imaging of Kidney Cancer
Imaging of Occupational and Environmental Disorders of the Chest
Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors
Imaging of the Hip & Bony Pelvis
Inborn Metabolic Diseases
Infections à papillomavirus
Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Information Technology Solutions for Healthcare
Injectable Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine
Intensive Care Medicine
Intensive Care Medicine in 10 Years
Interventional Management of Urological Diseases
Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring
Introduction to Nursing Informatics
Irritant Dermatitis
Knee Arthroplasty Handbook
L’esprit de l’aiguille
L’insuffisance cardiaque aiguë
La TC multidetettore nella diagnostica cardiovascolare
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Le complicazioni neurologiche in oncologia
Le dépistage du cancer colorectal
Les cancers digestifs
Les cancers ovariens
Les fonctions sphinctériennes
Les prothèses tricompartimentaires du genou de première intention
Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ischemic Stroke
Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio
Male Sexual Function
Management of Prader-Willi Syndrome
Management of Thyroid Cancer and Related Nodular Disease
Managing Failed Anti-Reflux Therapy
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Infectious Tropical Diseases
Mastering Revision Rhinoplasty
Maxillofacial Imaging
MDCT and 3D Workstations
MDCT:A Practical Approach
Medical Emergency Teams
Medical English
Medical Technologies in Neurosurgery
Middle Ear Surgery
Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery and Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Minimally Invasive Tumor Therapies
MIS Techniques in Orthopedics
Motor Control and Learning
MR Cholangiopancreatography
MRI in Clinical Practice
MRI of the Liver
Mucosal Immunology and Virology
Multimodal Concepts for Integration of Cytotoxic Drugs
Musculoskeletal Medicine in Clinical Practice
Myocardial Ischemia
Natriuretic Peptides
Neuromuscular Disease
Neuro-Oncology of CNS Tumors
New Technologies in Radiation Oncology
Nez, Gorge, Oreille en médecine traditionnelle chinoise
Noninvasive Imaging of Myocardial Ischemia
Nonunion of the Long Bones
Obesity and Diabetes
Obesity Management in Family Practice
Obstetric Anesthesia Handbook
Obstetrics in Family Medicine
Ocular Angiogenesis
Oculoplastics and Orbit
Operative Dentistry
Operative Urology at the Cleveland Clinic
Optimizing Health: Improving the Value of Healthcare Delivery
Orthopedic Traumatology — A Resident’s Guide
Ossigenoterapia domiciliare a lungo termine in Italia
Osteoporosi: le nuove prospettive in ortopedia e traumatologia
Overweight and the Metabolic Syndrome
Oxidative Stress and Neuroprotection
Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders
Passing the General Surgery Oral Board Exam
Pathology of Malignant Mesothelioma
Pathology of the Head and Neck
Pathology of the Human Placenta
Patient Flow: Reducing Delay in Healthcare Delivery
Pediatric Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Pediatric Critical Care Review
Pediatric Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
Pediatric Oncology
Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Genetics
Pediatric PET Imaging
Pediatric Surgery
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty
Perioperative and Critical Care Medicine
Physician’s Guide to the Treatment and Follow-Up of Metabolic Diseases
Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine
Pocket Guide to Musculoskeletal Diagnosis
Portable Surgical Mentor
Positioning Techniques in Surgical Applications
Positron Emission Tomography
Practical Management of Thyroid Cancer
Practical Pathology Informatics
Practice of Intramedullary Locked Nails
Preventive Cardiology
Primary Care of Musculoskeletal Problems in the Outpatient Setting
Principles of Molecular Medicine
Proteases in Gastrointestinal Tissues
Protocols for Multislice CT
Psychiatric Disorders in Pregnancy and the Postpartum
Psychiatry for Neurologists
Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience
Radiation Detectors for Medical Applications
Radiation Toxicity: A Practical Guide
Radiologia geriatrica
Radiologic Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer
Reconstruction de l’avant-pied
Repair and Regeneration of Ligaments, Tendons, and Joint Capsule
Retinal Degenerative Diseases
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in HIV/AIDS Therapy
Review of Surgery
Salute & equilibrio nutrizionale
Science and Practice of Pressure Ulcer Management
Science and Technology in Medicine
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Sexual Partnering, Sexual Practices, and Health
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sistemi ACM e Imaging Diagnostico
Skin Aging
Sleep Disorders in Women
Sports Dermatology
Stem Cell and Gene-Based Therapy
Sudden Deaths in Custody
Surgical Neuroangiography
Taylor's Musculoskeletal Problems and Injuries A Handbook
Technical Basis of Radiation Therapy
The Diabetic Foot
The Diabetic Kidney
The Epidemiology of Alimentary Diseases
The Forensic Laboratory Handbook
The Handbook of Contraception
The Hereditary Basis of Rheumatic Diseases
The Human Foot
The Lacrimal System
The Link Between Inflammation and Cancer
The Local Cardiac Renin Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
The Pathophysiologic Basis of Nuclear Medicine
The Sages Manual
The SAGES Manual
The Serotonin Receptors
Thoracic Aortic Diseases
Three-Dimensional Cephalometry
Thyroid Cancer
Tissue Surgery
TNM Atlas
Transendoscopic Ultrasound for Neurosurgery
Trattamento del distacco retinico primario
Tumor Neurosurgery
Tumors of the Chest
Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Understanding Fluorescein Angiography
Une introduction à la médecine traditionnelle chinoise
Urethral Reconstructive Surgery
Urogynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse
Vascular Embolotherapy
Vascular Embolotherapy
Vascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Virtual Colonoscopy
Vocal Fold Paralysis
Vocational Rehabilitation
Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

Springer ebook,即日起開放試用,歡迎同仁多加利用。
