2015年10月5日 星期一



Book of the Month: October 2015

Sports Psychiatry: Strategies for Life Balance and Peak Performance

David R. McDuff, M.D.

Typically, psychiatrists and other mental health clinicians lack the sports-specific knowledge necessary to truly help competitive athletes. In Sports Psychiatry: Strategies for Life Balance and Peak Performance, the long-time team psychiatrist for the Baltimore Orioles and the Baltimore Ravens intends to remedy this knowledge gap by sharing his unique perspective and rare expertise in cultivating athletes’ peak performance while promoting team unity, sound judgement, personal growth, pride, and a lasting sense of accomplishment.

Although written for mental health professionals, the book will also be of great interest to primary care and sports medicine physicians, athletic trainers, team owners and managers—and of course—the athletes themselves. Engaging and insightful, Sports Psychiatry is the go-to book for those in need of practical strategies for supporting and attaining peak performance.

