2018年1月23日 星期二

【試用影音】Diagnosing Mental Disorders: DSM-5™ and ICD-10,即日起試用至107年12月31日止,歡迎同仁加多利用。

Diagnosing Mental Disorders: DSM-5™ and ICD-10

資源簡介:Help students and practitioners understand the diagnostic criteria and coding systems in the DSM-5® and ICD-10 manuals.


Diagnostic Criteria
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Bipolar Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Trauma-Related Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Impulse and Conduct Disorders
Addictive Disorders
Personality Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Somatic Sympton and Related Disorders
Elimination Disorders
Sexual Dysfunctions
Gender Dysphoria
Neurocognitive Disorders
Paraphilic Disorders
Other Conditions
