2019年7月8日 星期一

【每月一書】PsychiatryOnline Premium:People With Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System,歡迎同仁下載閱讀。

People With Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry

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People With Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System 是由精神病學促進小組 (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry) 中的一個委員會所撰寫,本書展現了社群精神病學領導者的集體智慧,是一系列成功出版品中的第三本,這些出版品使用了「親愛的艾比」 (Dear Abby) 專欄信件作為原始資料。


Written by a committee of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, People With Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System: Answering a Cry for Help represents the collective wisdom of leaders in community psychiatry and is the third in a series of successful publications that have used Dear Abby letters as source material. The letters, submitted by readers with experience with mental illness and the criminal justice system, constitute a rich, real-world repository for the case stories presented in this fascinating volume.

This simple, evidence-based guide challenges psychiatrists to initiate changes in their clinical work, in the operation of their agencies, programs, and teams, and in their partnerships with local criminal justice and behavioral health providers to positively impact people with behavioral health conditions in the criminal justice system.
