Elsevier 線上寫作研討會
ü 如何提升文章的產出 |
ü 如何規範研究實踐 主講者:Dr Ximena Alvira, MD, PhD (Clinical & Research Manager @ Elsevier) An enthusiastic and passionate medical and
neuroscience doctor with broad experience in clinical practice. Ximena’s
passion is science communication and the dissemination of knowledge, with an
ongoing career as a medical writer. In the last 3 years, Ximena has delivered
more than 100 health research writing masterclasses and workshops around the
world, reaching ~9000 attendees. In her current position as Clinical &
Research Manager at Elsevier, Ximena uses her clinical and research expertise
to provide strategic counsel to organizations on how to advance in their
research objectives, make better use of Elsevier solutions, and improve their
research and scientific writing skills. 線上註冊網址:https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_V_LCOiu5QsyZTSDnNVh-Pw