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No | Title |
1 | 2030 - The Future of Medicine |
2 | 50 Studies Every Doctor Should Know |
3 | 50 Studies Every Internist Should Know |
4 | A Case a Week: Sleep Disorders from the Cleveland Clinic |
5 | A Clinical Guide to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation |
6 | A Practical Guide to the Interpretation of Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Tests |
7 | A Resuscitation Room Guide |
8 | A Short History of Medical Genetics |
9 | A Textbook of Post-ICU Medicine |
10 | A Video Atlas of Neuromuscular Disorders |
11 | Acute and Emergent Events in Sleep Disorders |
12 | Addiction and Weakness of Will |
13 | Addiction Medicine |
14 | ADHD and Hyperkinetic Disorder |
15 | ADHD and Its Many Associated Problems |
16 | ADHD in Preschool Children |
17 | Adolescent Sexual Behavior in the Digital Age |
18 | Adult Congenital Heart Disease |
19 | Adult Neurogenesis |
20 | Advanced Respiratory Critical Care |
21 | Advanced Training in Anaesthesia |
22 | Adverse Syndromes and Psychiatric Drugs |
23 | African Health Leaders |
24 | Algorithms for Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
25 | Alternative Perspectives on Psychiatric Classification |
26 | American Society of Addiction Medicine: Addiction Medicine Handbook |
27 | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and the Frontotemporal Dementias |
28 | Anaesthesia for Emergency Care |
29 | Anesthesia Emergencies |
30 | Anesthesia Emergencies |
31 | Anesthesia Outside of the Operating Room |
32 | Anesthesiology |
33 | Angelo Mosso's Circulation of the Blood in the Human Brain |
34 | Antimicrobial Chemotherapy |
35 | Antipsychotic long-acting injections |
36 | Anxiety Disorders |
37 | Applied Medicine and Surgery in Dentistry |
38 | Arrhythmias in Women |
39 | Asthma |
40 | Atlas of EEG and Seizure Semiology and Management |
41 | Atlas of Human Brain Connections |
42 | Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography |
43 | Atlas of X-Linked Intellectual Disability Syndromes |
44 | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
45 | Autism Spectrum Disorders |
46 | Autonomic Failure |
47 | Autonomic Neurology |
48 | Autonomy and Mental Disorder |
49 | Baloh and Honrubia's Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular System |
50 | Bandolier's Little Book of Making Sense of the Medical Evidence |
51 | Basic Electrophysiological Methods |
52 | Basic Sciences for ObGyn |
53 | Basic Sciences for Ophthalmology |
54 | Behavioral Addictions: DSM-5 and Beyond |
55 | Beyond Depression: A new approach to understanding and management |
56 | Binge Britain: Alcohol and the national response |
57 | Bipolar Disorder in Youth |
58 | Body MRI Cases |
59 | Body-Subjects and Disordered Minds |
60 | Bone Dysplasias |
61 | Borderland of Epilepsy Revisited |
62 | Brain Architecture: Understanding the Basic Plan |
63 | Brain Death |
64 | Brain Renaissance |
65 | Brain's Diseases of the Nervous System |
66 | Breast Imaging Cases |
67 | Breast Surgery and Disease Management |
68 | Bridging the Gap |
69 | Cancer and the Kidney |
70 | Cancer Control |
71 | Cancer Epidemiology: Low and Middle-Income Countries and Special Populations |
72 | Cardiac Anaesthesia |
73 | Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Intervention |
74 | Cardiac Electrophysiology and Catheter Ablation |
75 | Cardiac Imaging |
76 | Cardiac Imaging Cases |
77 | Cardiac Mechano-Electric Coupling and Arrhythmias |
78 | Cardiothoracic Critical Care |
79 | Cardiothoracic Surgery |
80 | Cardiovascular Computed Tomography |
81 | Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly |
82 | Cardiovascular Imaging |
83 | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance |
84 | Cardiovascular Problems |
85 | Care of the Acutely Ill Adult: An essential guide for nurses |
86 | Caring for the Heart |
87 | Casebook of clinical geropsychology |
88 | Cerebral Cortex |
89 | Cerebrovascular Disease |
90 | Challenging Concepts in Anaesthesia |
91 | Challenging Concepts in Cardiovascular Medicine |
92 | Challenging Concepts in Emergency Medicine |
93 | Challenging Concepts in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology |
94 | Challenging Concepts in Neurosurgery: A Case Based Approach |
95 | Challenging Concepts in Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
96 | Challenging Concepts in Oncology |
97 | Chest Imaging Cases |
98 | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
99 | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
100 | Chromosome Abnormalities and Genetic Counseling |
101 | Chronic Kidney Disease |
102 | Chronic Medical Disease and Cognitive Aging |
103 | Ciliopathies |
104 | Climate Change and Public Health |
105 | Clinical Cardiology: Current Practice Guidelines |
106 | Clinical Genetics |
107 | Clinical Guide to Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders |
108 | Clinical Neurology of Aging |
109 | Clinical Neurophysiology |
110 | Clinical Pediatric Anesthesia |
111 | Cognition in Major Depressive Disorder |
112 | Cognitive Assessment for Clinicians |
113 | Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Parkinson's Disease |
114 | Cognitive Plasticity in Neurologic Disorders |
115 | Colorectal Surgery |
116 | Common Malformations |
117 | Communicating Prognosis |
118 | Community Paediatrics |
119 | Companion to Classification of Mental Disorders |
120 | Concussion Care Manual |
121 | Consultations in Infectious Disease |
122 | Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy |
123 | Controversies in the Management of Salivary Gland Disease |
124 | Critical Care |
125 | CT Imaging: Practical Physics, Artifacts, and Pitfalls |
126 | Culture, Brain, and Analgesia: Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations |
127 | Current Surgical Guidelines |
128 | Cystic Fibrosis |
129 | Day Case Surgery |
130 | Deconstructing the OSCE |
131 | Deep Brain Stimulation |
132 | Delusions and other Irrational Beliefs |
133 | Dementia |
134 | Dementia - from advanced disease to bereavement |
135 | Dementia Care: A Practical Manual |
136 | Dementia: Mind, Meaning and the Person |
137 | Depression in Later Life |
138 | Diabetes Care: A Practical Manual |
139 | Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
140 | Difficult Airway Management |
141 | Diffusion MRI: Theory, Methods and Applications |
142 | Discursive Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice |
143 | Disembodied Spirits and Deanimated Bodies |
144 | Disruptive Mood: Irritability in Children and Adolescents |
145 | Drug Nation |
146 | Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care |
147 | Drugs in Cancer Care |
148 | Drugs in Cardiology |
149 | Drugs in Palliative Care |
150 | Drugs in Psychiatry |
151 | DSM-5 and the Law |
152 | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy |
153 | Echocardiography |
154 | Economic Evaluation of Clinical Trials |
155 | Electroconvulsive Therapy in Children and Adolescents |
156 | Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle |
157 | Emergencies in Adult Nursing |
158 | Emergencies in Anaesthesia |
159 | Emergencies in Cardiology |
160 | Emergencies in Children's and Young People's Nursing |
161 | Emergencies in Clinical Medicine |
162 | Emergencies in Clinical Radiology |
163 | Emergencies in Clinical Surgery |
164 | Emergencies in Critical Care |
165 | Emergencies in Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
166 | Emergencies in Mental Health Nursing |
167 | Emergencies in Obstetrics & Gynecology |
168 | Emergencies in Oncology |
169 | Emergencies in Paediatrics and Neonataology |
170 | Emergencies in Palliative and Supportive Care |
171 | Emergencies in Primary Care |
172 | Emergencies in Psychiatry |
173 | Emergencies in Respiratory Medicine |
174 | Emergencies in Sports Medicine |
175 | Emergencies in Trauma |
176 | Emergency Department Critical Care |
177 | Emergency Neurology |
178 | Emergency Radiology Cases |
179 | Emotions and Personhood |
180 | Empirical Ethics in Psychiatry |
181 | End of Life Care in the ICU - from advanced disease to bereavement |
182 | Ensuring a Sustainable Future |
183 | Epidemiologic Methods |
184 | Epidemiology Matters |
185 | Epilepsy |
186 | Epilepsy |
187 | Escourolle and Poirier's Manual of Basic Neuropathology |
188 | Essential Immunology for Surgeons |
189 | Essential Philosophy of Psychiatry |
190 | Essential Revision Notes for Cardiology KBA |
191 | Essentials of Body MRI |
192 | Essentials of Environmental Epidemiology for Health Protection |
193 | Essentials of Environmental Public Health Science |
194 | Essentials of Toxicology for Health Protection |
195 | Ethical Dilemmas in Genetics and Genetic Counseling |
196 | Evaluation and Treatment of Myopathies |
197 | Evaluation of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs |
198 | Expert Decision Making on Opioid Treatment |
199 | Exposure Assessment in Environmental Epidemiology |
200 | External Beam Therapy (2 ed) |
201 | Eye Movement Disorders in Clinical Practice |
202 | Feelings of Being |
203 | Females are Mosaics |
204 | Fetal Cardiology |
205 | Field Trials of Health Interventions |
206 | Fitness for Work |
207 | Forensic Mental Health |
208 | Forensic Neuropsychology in Practice: A guide to assessment and legal processes |
209 | Forensic Psychiatry |
210 | FRCS Trauma and Orthopaedics Viva |
211 | Free will and responsibility |
212 | From Acute to Chronic Back Pain: Risk Factors, Mechanisms, and Clinical Implications |
213 | From General Practice to Primary Care: The industrialization of family medicine |
214 | From the Couch to the Lab |
215 | Frontotemporal Dementia |
216 | Fundamentals of Neuroanesthesia |
217 | Gastric and Oesophageal Surgery |
218 | Gastrointestinal Imaging |
219 | Gastrointestinal Imaging Cases |
220 | Genetic Counseling Research: A Practical Guide |
221 | Genetic Diseases of the Eye |
222 | Genetic Skin Disorders |
223 | Genetics for Health Professionals in Cancer Care |
224 | Genetics of Obesity Syndromes |
225 | Genitourinary Radiology Cases |
226 | Genomic Medicine |
227 | Genomics and Health in the Developing World |
228 | Geriatric Medicine |
229 | Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-based Approach |
230 | Geriatric Palliative Care |
231 | Geriatric Psychiatry |
232 | Geriatric Psycho-oncology |
233 | Global Mental Health |
234 | Global Mental Health Trials |
235 | Global Public Health: Ecological Foundations |
236 | Greening Health Care |
237 | Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth |
238 | Hallucinations |
239 | Hand Surgery |
240 | Handbook of Brain Microcircuits |
241 | Handbook of Neurological Therapy |
242 | Handbook of Physical Measurements |
243 | Handbook of Surgical Consent |
244 | Handling Difficult Situations |
245 | Head, Neck and Dental Emergencies |
246 | Headache |
247 | Headache |
248 | Headache and Facial Pain |
249 | Headache care, research and education worldwide |
250 | Health for all Children |
251 | Health Measurement Scales |
252 | Health Promotion: Ideology, Discipline, and Specialism |
253 | Heart Disease in Pregnancy |
254 | Heart Failure |
255 | Heart Failure – From Advanced Disease to Bereavement |
256 | Hedonic Eating |
257 | History of the World Federation of Neurology |
258 | How Many More Questions? |
259 | How the NIH Can Help Get You Funded |
260 | How to get a Specialty Training post: the insider's guide |
261 | How to Pass the MRCPsych CASC |
262 | How to Teach: A Handbook for Clinicians |
263 | Human Factors in Health Care: Level 1 |
264 | Huntington's Disease |
265 | Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders |
266 | Hypertension |
267 | Hypertension |
268 | Hypochondriasis and Health Anxiety |
269 | ICU Care of Abdominal Organ Transplant Patients |
270 | Identifying Neuroemergencies |
271 | Imaging in Neurodegenerative Disorders |
272 | Inborn Errors of Metabolism |
273 | Individual Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Treatment Manual |
274 | Inherited Cardiac Disease |
275 | Innovative drug development for headache disorders |
276 | Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illnes in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders |
277 | Integrated Neuroscience and Neurology |
278 | Integrating Health Impact Assessment with the Policy Process: Lessons and experiences from around the world |
279 | Integrative Dermatology |
280 | Integrative Men's Health |
281 | Integrative Nursing |
282 | Integrative Oncology |
283 | Integrative Women's Health |
284 | Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5 |
285 | Internal Medicine Issues in Palliative Care |
286 | Interventional Pain Medicine |
287 | Interventional Radiology |
288 | Interventional Radiology Cases |
289 | Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring for Deep Brain Stimulation |
290 | Introducing Anaesthesia |
291 | Introduction to Clinical Neurology |
292 | Introduction to Neuropsychopharmacology |
293 | Introduction to Psychological Theories and Psychotherapy |
294 | Is evidence-based psychiatry ethical? |
295 | Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies |
296 | Just Enough Physiology |
297 | Juvenile Huntington's Disease |
298 | Kidney Disease - from advanced disease to bereavement |
299 | Lachman's Case Studies in Anatomy |
300 | Landmark Cases in Forensic Psychiatry |
301 | Landmark Papers in Allergy |
302 | Landmark Papers in Anaesthesia |
303 | Landmark Papers in Cardiovascular Medicine |
304 | Landmark Papers in General Surgery |
305 | Landmark Papers in Nephrology |
306 | Landmark Papers in Neurosurgery |
307 | Landmark Papers in Rheumatology |
308 | Late-Life Mood Disorders |
309 | Lean Behavioral Health |
310 | Lifecourse Smoking Behavior |
311 | Liver and Pancreatobiliary Surgery |
312 | Living Longer, Living Better |
313 | Lupus Nephritis |
314 | Major Trauma |
315 | Maladapting Minds |
316 | Management of Treatment-Resistant Major Psychiatric Disorders |
317 | Managing Disruptive Change in Healthcare |
318 | Managing older people in primary care: A practical guide |
319 | Managing Pain |
320 | Mangement of Atrial Fibrillation |
321 | Manual of Childhood Infections: The Blue Book |
322 | Mapping the Edges and the In-between |
323 | Marsden's Book of Movement Disorders |
324 | Maudsley Handbook of Practical Psychiatry 6e |
325 | Mayo Clinic Antimicrobial Therapy |
326 | Mayo Clinic Atlas of Regional Anesthesia and Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blockade |
327 | Mayo Clinic Body MRI Case Review |
328 | Mayo Clinic Cardiology 4e |
329 | Mayo Clinic Challenging Images for Pulmonary Board Review |
330 | Mayo Clinic Electrophysiology Manual |
331 | Mayo Clinic Gastroenterology and Hepatology Board Review |
332 | Mayo Clinic Gastrointestinal Imaging Review |
333 | Mayo Clinic Guide to Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
334 | Mayo Clinic Infectious Diseases Board Review |
335 | Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Board Review |
336 | Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Board Review: Questions and Answers |
337 | Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review |
338 | Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review MOC |
339 | Mayo Clinic Preventive Medicine and Public Health Board Review |
340 | Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Treatment Manual |
341 | Mechanical Ventilation |
342 | Medical Education and Training: From theory to delivery |
343 | Medical Emergencies in Dentistry |
344 | Medical Neurobiology |
345 | Mental Health and Care Homes |
346 | Mental Health and Human Rights |
347 | Mental Health in the Digital Age |
348 | Mental Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
349 | Mentalization-based Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder |
350 | Migration, Ethnicity, Race, and Health in Multicultural Societies |
351 | Mind, Meaning and Mental Disorder |
352 | Molecular Physiology and Metabolism of the Nervous System |
353 | Motivational Interviewing |
354 | Motor Neuron Disease |
355 | Motor Neurone Disease in Adults |
356 | Movement Disorders |
357 | Mulliken and Young's Vascular Anomalies |
358 | Multiple Sclerosis |
359 | Multiple Sclerosis Care - A Practical Manual |
360 | Musculoskeletal Imaging |
361 | Musculoskeletal Imaging Cases |
362 | Myasthenia Gravis and Myasthenic Disorders |
363 | Nature and Narrative |
364 | Nephrology |
365 | Nerve Repair |
366 | Neural Plasticity and Cognitive Development |
367 | Neuroanaesthesia |
368 | Neuroanatomy: Draw it to Know It |
369 | Neurobiology of Mental Illness |
370 | Neurocritical Care |
371 | Neurogenetics |
372 | Neuroglia |
373 | Neuroimmunology |
374 | Neuroinfections |
375 | Neurologic Complications of Cancer |
376 | Neurologic Complications of Critical Illness |
377 | Neurologic Outcomes of Surgery and Anesthesia |
378 | Neurological Case Histories |
379 | Neurology for the Hospitalist |
380 | Neurology of Eye Movements |
381 | Neuromuscular Disorders in the Adult |
382 | Neuro-Ophthalmology |
383 | Neuropathic Pain |
384 | Neuroprogression and Staging in Bipolar Disorder |
385 | Neuropsychoanalysis in practice |
386 | Neuroradiology Cases |
387 | Neuroscientific Foundations of Anesthesiology |
388 | Neurotology |
389 | New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry |
390 | Nocturia |
391 | Non-dopamine Lesions in Parkinson's Disease |
392 | Non-motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease |
393 | Nuclear Cardiology |
394 | Nuclear Medicine |
395 | Nutrition and Lifestyle for Pregnancy and Early Childhood |
396 | Nutrition and the Cancer Patient |
397 | OAL Anaesthesia for Day Case Surgery |
398 | OAL Anaesthesia for the Elderly Patient |
399 | OAL Anaesthesia for the Overweight and Obese Patient |
400 | OAL Obstetric Anaesthesia for Developing Countries |
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404 | Obstetric Anesthesia |
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445 | OOL Systemic Treatment of Prostate Cancer |
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457 | OPML Acute Pain |
458 | OPML Back Pain |
459 | OPML Cancer-related Bone Pain |
460 | OPML Cancer-related Breakthrough Pain |
461 | OPML Chronic Pain |
462 | OPML Long Term Pain |
463 | OPML Migraine and Other Primary Headaches |
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466 | OPML Opioids in Non-Cancer Pain |
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493 | Oxford Case Histories in TIA and Stroke |
494 | Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme |
495 | Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine |
496 | Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing |
497 | Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia |
498 | Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing |
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500 | Oxford Handbook of Cardiology |
501 | Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing |
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508 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine |
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520 | Oxford Handbook of Diabetes Nursing |
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557 | Oxford Handbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma |
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573 | Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine |
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578 | Oxford Textbook in Interventional Cardiology |
579 | Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
580 | Oxford Textbook of Anaethesia for the Elderly Patient |
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589 | Oxford Textbook of Medicine |
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593 | Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry |
594 | Oxford Textbook of Paediatric Pain |
595 | Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children |
596 | Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine |
597 | Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing |
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599 | Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology |
600 | Oxford Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare |
601 | Oxford Textbook of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease |
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603 | Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics |
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605 | Oxford Textbook of Vertigo and Imbalance |
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619 | Paediatric Palliative Medicine |
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621 | Paediatric Respiratory Medicine |
622 | Paediatric Rheumatology |
623 | Paediatric Surgery |
624 | Pain |
625 | Pain in Women |
626 | Pain Medicine: A Case Study Text of Interdisciplinary Management |
627 | Pain: Dynamics and Complexities |
628 | Palliative Care |
629 | Pancreas, Islet and Stem Cell Transplantation for Diabetes |
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631 | Paradigms Lost: Fighting Stigma and the Lessons Learned |
632 | Paraneoplastic Syndromes |
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643 | Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease |
644 | Peripheral Neuropathies in Clinical Practice |
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647 | Pharmacology in Anesthesia Practice |
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649 | Phenotypic Variation |
650 | Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry II |
651 | Philosophical issues in psychiatry Vol 3 |
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653 | Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and the A-rational Mind |
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655 | Physical Aspects of Care: Pain, Fatigue, Nausea, GI |
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674 | Prevention Practice in Primary Care |
675 | Preventive Cardiology |
676 | Primary Immunodeficiency Disease |
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687 | Psychiatry as Cognitive Neuroscience |
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689 | Psychiatry's contract with society: Concepts, controversies, and consequences |
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691 | Psycho-Oncology: A Quick Reference on the Psychosocial Dimension |
692 | Psychosocial Palliative Care |
693 | Psychosomatic Medicine |
694 | Pulmonary Hypertension |
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696 | Radiology Strategies |
697 | Radiotherapy in Practice - Brachytherapy |
698 | Radiotherapy in Practice - Imaging |
699 | Radiotherapy in practice - radioisotope therapy |
700 | Ratings Scales in Parkinson's Disease |
701 | Rationality and Compulsion |
702 | Recognizing Brain Injury |
703 | Reconceiving Schizophrenia |
704 | Recovery of People with Mental Illness |
705 | Redefining Recovery from Aphasia |
706 | Regional Anaesthesia, Stimulation and Ultrasound Techniques |
707 | Regional Anaesthesia: A Pocket Guide |
708 | Rehabilitation of Executive Disorders |
709 | Renal and Metabolic Disorders |
710 | Renal Transplantation |
711 | Respiratory Disease - from advanced disease to bereavement |
712 | Respiratory Medicine |
713 | Responsibility and psychopathy |
714 | Revision Notes for MCEM Part A |
715 | Revision Notes for MCEM Part B |
716 | Revision Notes for the MRCOG Part 1 |
717 | Rheumatology |
718 | Rheumatology and the Kidney |
719 | Schizophrenia |
720 | Schizophrenia and the Fate of the Self |
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722 | Seeking cures: Design of therapies for genetically determined diseases |
723 | Seizures and Epilepsy |
724 | Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry |
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726 | Signs and Symptoms of Genetic Conditions |
727 | Simulation in Radiology |
728 | Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist |
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730 | Sleep Paralysis |
731 | So you want to be a medical mum? |
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752 | The Autisms: Molecules to Model Systems |
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758 | The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, second edition Q&A companion. |
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783 | The Neurosurgeon's Handbook |
784 | The New Consultation |
785 | The OMICs |
786 | The Patient's Brain |
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788 | The Practice of Emergency and Critical Care Neurology |
789 | The Public Health Response to 2009 H1N1 |
790 | The Sorcerer's Apprentice |
791 | The Spectrum of Mineral and Bone Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease |
792 | The Sublime Object of Psychiatry |
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795 | Thoracic Imaging |
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816 | Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia |
817 | Unconscious Knowing and Other Essays in Psycho-Philosophical Analysis |
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819 | Understanding EMG |
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834 | Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology |
835 | Oxford Textbook of Transplant Anaesthesia and Critical Care |
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841 | Oxford Textbook of Neuroimaging |
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846 | Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health, and Wellbeing |
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850 | The Practical Playbook 2015 |
851 | Oxford Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine |
852 | Landmark Papers in Neurology |
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